ISP1 conference was organized by the “Istitut Français du Pétrole” and the “Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées” networks is held, in 1982 . It took place under the auspices of the “Comité Français de la Mécanique des Sols et des Fondations” from April 19-20, 1982 on the theme “The Pressuremeter and its Marine Applications”. Professor P.Habib, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, chaired the conference.

The second Symposium, initiated by Professor Jean-Louis Briaud, was held at the Texas A&M University (United States) on May 2 – 3, 1986, on the same topic. This event was sponsored by the D18 Committee of the American Society for Testing and Material (ASTM) and the Waterways Experiment Station of the U.S Army Corps of Engineers. Professors J.-L Briaud and J. M. E. Audibert edited the Proceedings of this Symposium, which were published in the Special Technical Publication No.950 of ASTM.

The third version “ISP3” was organized by the British Geotechnical Society at the University of Oxford (UK) from April 2 – 6, 1990. The organizing Committee, chaired by Pr. C.P. Wroth, enlarged the Symposium theme to all applications of pressuremeter tests in soils and soft rocks. The Thomas Telford House published the Symposium Proceedings (London).

“ISP4”, as the fourth version, was organized by the “Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada” from May 17 – 19, 1995 on the theme “The Pressumeter and its New Avenues”. This Symposium marked fourty years of pressuremeter’s investigations. The Organizing Committee was chaired by Professor B. Ladanyi. The Symposium Proceedings were edited by Professor G. Ballivy and published by A.A. Balkama, Rotterdam.

The fifth Symposium “ISP5 – PRESSIO 2005” was organized by the Technical Committee 16 of the ISSMGE at “École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées” (France). The fifty anniversary of pressuremeter was celebrated during this Symposium held from August 22 – 24, 2005 during which an exchange of experiences related to pressuremeter testing, interpretation of measurements, and use of obtained sol parameters in foundations design and in soil improvement control was possible. The Ministry of Public Works, The French Committee of Geology and Evironmental Engineering, the French Committee of Rocks Mechanics, the French Committee of Soil Mechanics and The Union of Geotechnical Engineers sponsored “ISP5 – PRESSIO 2005”. Mr. Michel Gambin chaired this Symposium. The Proceedings included two volumes: No.1 included scientific papers; No.2: Louis Ménard’s memories, keynote lectures, national and regional reports, answers to exercice on a loaded pile, discussions minutes on the six themes of the Symposium and concluding remarks. Edited by Mr. Gambin, Mr. Magnan and Mr. Mestat, they were published by LCPC, presently IFSTTAR.

The sixth Symposium “ISP6-PRESSIO 2013” was held during a half-day parallel session to the 18th Conference of the International Society for Soil Mechanics in Paris (ICSMGE), from September 2-6, 2013. Sponsored by the CFMS French Society with success, ISP6 allowed 14 speakers to submit their own research work chosen out of 37 papers obtained within 2 months’ time. Mr. Michel Gambin chaired the Organizing Committee. Apageo published the list of all the papers in a booklet and provided all participants with the 37 texts on a flash disk.

This Symposium will be the seventh one: “ISP7-PRESSIO 2015” organized for the first time in Africa by the Tunisian Association of Soil Mechanics (ATMS) as part of the 16th ARCSMGE from April 27 – 30, 2015 in Hammamet, Tunisia.

ISP 8 will be held at the university of Luxembourg, amphitheater with capacity for 200 persons for lectures. Free at the first week of September 2025, big space for exhibition, students can be present and give good opportunity to promote the pressuremeter.